Application and Selection Process
Application Procedures/Selection Process
The following information is provided so that you may better understand the application process and tenant selection process. Please read it carefully. If you have questions, contact the Veterans Director at (608) 741-4500.
Applications are available at Rock Valley Community Programs, Inc. (RVCP) Homeless Veterans Transitional Housing Program office. An application can be sent directly to individuals seeking housing by contacting the Veterans Director at (608)741-4500. The completed application should be returned to Rock Valley Community Programs, Inc., 203 W. Sunny Lane Road, Janesville WI 53546.
If a waiting list exists, the application will be processed and placed on the waiting list in chronological order.
The RVCP HVTP program is only available for veterans who meet the homeless status guidelines of the Veteran’s Administration. This is an up to two year transitional housing program. Residents pay up to 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent. Income is not necessary for admission to the program.
Veterans will need to provide or obtain their DD214 to enter the program. Veterans must not have a dishonorable discharge. Less than honorable is acceptable. VA will verify this information.
Veterans entering the program should be aware of the following requirements and expectations, please review our Admission Agreement: Admissions Agreement
The Veterans Director and/or case management staff will conduct an assessment interview with each veteran applying for housing to determine eligibility and appropriateness for RVCP’s HVTHP.
All veterans will be notified of their acceptance / non-acceptance in a timely manner. The referral source, when applicable, will also receive notification. Acceptance letters will contain the entry date and other pertinent information.