
Housing4OurVets Wishlist
Bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths
Pillows/pillow cases
Sheets sets (twin size)
Blankets / Comforters (twin size)
Laundry baskets/hampers
Personal hygiene products
Wal-Mart/Farm & Fleet Gift Cards (Given to veterans who have a specific clothing need, for example steel toed boots for work)
Gas only gas cards-Kwik Trip works best
Monetary donations to support program costs such as:
operation, transportation, recreations, etc. Monetary donations can be donated to a specific program area that you designate.
All items purchased from this list will be automatically shipped directly to our shelter.
**Due to space and storage limitations, we are unable to accept items not on our current wish list. We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your support!
Donations are accepted Monday-Friday between 8 am-3 pm at the Administration entrance of RVCP’s facility, door 1.
For other times, please call (608) 741-4500 or email Tiffany Ford at tford@rvcp.org
All donations are tax deductible